Natural Cures For Prostate Cancer Does Anyone Know Of A Natural Cure For Prostate Cancer?

Does anyone know of a natural cure for prostate cancer? - natural cures for prostate cancer

Prostate cancer, if it is easily manageable in time. There are a number of conventional treatments for this cancer in particular and bring the treatment of some of them - such as radioactive seeds and hormones - Disere results if done properly and with cancer progression to deeper stages.

Natural treatments are also very good result and does not show that - at least, be used in Europe and Asia - successfully atonishing. I'm going to be a simple protocol that I know recommend do miracles, even though I can not say, here is a reasonable way to cure your cancer. Cancer is a disease complex and unpredictable, btw. And in any case, multidisciplinary, multifactorial approach.

However, these products and formulations, which has been used with surprising results, and I will share with you:

1. Zyflamend - 3caps at every meal

2. Percoba (immunomodulatory biological) - 12 teaspoons in three doses per day.

4. Ginger and Red Clover (tea) - 2 cups per day.

5. Omega 3 (not enFish omega) - 3 capsules with each meal.

6. Vitamin C - 1000 mg. - PC 1 / 3 hours.

The most common foods are eaten raw, the more likely your body is getting rid of cancer. In addition, they should remove these "poisons" from your diet: milk, cheese, coffee, vinegar, fried foods, chocolate, ice cream, eggs, meat, sugar and refined foods.

Finally, you must fast for two days of each calendar month at home (custom) pineapple juice - 14 ounces every 2 hours.

You should try to at least 4 months.

Good luck! :)


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